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Welcome to my Journey 

Hi friends! Thank you all so much for visiting my website, it truly means the WORLD to me :) My name is Diana (Dee-Uh-nah). I was born and raised in my beautiful country of Peru and came to the US when I was 11 years old. I created this website to raise awareness about lupus and kidney failure. I was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis in 2017 and am currently doing dialysis. This has been one of the toughest journeys I've taken by far. For quite some time I thought my life was over, I alienated myself from friends and did not want to see anyone. I felt alone and gave up on everything. I was angry at the world and every one in it. I envied my friends because they were able to go out and have fun while I was stuck at home feeling miserable for myself. I kept asking myself why me? Why now? What did I do so wrong to deserve this? Throughout the years, I’ve come to realize that everything does HAPPEN FOR A REASON. It took me quite some time to find that reason and when I finally did, my life changed for the better. I can't wait for you guys to read my story, my journey, a little piece of me. I'm hoping this story gives you hope and faith that even though you may feel like life SUCKS right now (and believe me I KNOW the feeling), always know that life is preparing you for something even greater. You just have to be patient. 

​With so much love and gratitude,

Diana <3

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